Annual Leadership Texarkana Class

The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born–that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.
Warren Bennis
Imagine Texarkana is your business, because it IS!
The annual flagship Leadership Texarkana Class is for individuals of every type who are willing to take personal measure of responsibility for the future of our community..
It’s for anyone who is interested in personal development and in taking responsibility for making our community all that it can be. The LT program equips individuals to have the capacity to be effective at it.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
Even if you have attended many leadership programs before.
Even if you have attended a community leadership program in another community.
Even if you have been a lifelong resident, you will be amazed at all you will learn.
We have had enthusiastic response from everyone from 50-year residents to brand new. Natives gain as much as newcomers!
Learning is not compulsory, but neither is survival.
W. Edwards Deming
The annual Leadership Texarkana class is the flagship program of the Leadership Texarkana organization, providing year-long training in leadership capacities and understanding of critical issues in the development and growth of our community. The program kicks-off in September with a two-day retreat, followed by monthly day-long sessions on the first Tuesday from October through May (second Tuesday in January).
The Leadership Texarkana class is designed to connect, engage and equip a selected group of thirty+ individuals from all backgrounds, professional levels, and sectors (public, private and non-profit), for the advancement of our community and each participant. Native Texarkanians, as well as newcomers, find the class invaluable to developing leadership for our area.
Well over one hundred community leaders participate in providing outstanding issue-based educational sessions, offering a backstage pass into our region, perspectives on economic development, industry, health care, social services education, politics, governmental, and quality of life initiatives.
The first class of Leadership Texarkana was held in 1979-1980. The program has since graduated an average of 25 leaders for each of the years since, with close to 800 graduates living locally and represented in leadership positions throughout our region.
Why should you be part of an LT Class?
For your advancement; and for the advancement of our community.
A handful of elected officials cannot make a community great by themselves - it takes everybody working together.
21st century leadership in any community, business, or institution is based on the understanding that success requires leadership at ALL levels. If things aren’t how we would like them to be, who is responsible? We must be the change we wish to see.
It's the best training value around. Check out what these Leadership Texarkana graduates have said about the program:
- "Leadership Texarkana teaches you about your home, you establish friendships with leaders of the community and most importantly, it’s fun!"
- "Change can only happen when people unite time, talent and resources. …Leadership Texarkana is a great way to learn history and shape Texarkana’s future. I have gained great new relationships."
- "Leadership Texarkana helps individuals give focus to their ideas; passions and abilities to help impact our community."
- "Leadership Texarkana is the organization with the best prospects of facilitating sustainable positive change in our community."
- "Leadership Texarkana provides an intense wealth of knowledge about Texarkana. The information, thoughts, and visions of this organization actually help you to set a more focused compass on community and personal commitment."
- "Leadership Texarkana is worth your time."
One of the most humbling and gratifying aspects of Leadership Texarkana is the ready willingness of leaders throughout our community and region to generously share their precious time and resources as speakers, facilitators, and hosts for the leadership sessions during the year. Add the commitment of the individuals in the program as well as the bosses who support their monthly attendance. And of course, none of it would be possible without the support of our sponsors and dues-paying LT members.
In short, LT is a commitment of our entire community; Texarkana leaders are committed to lifting up leaders for our future.
At the end of each year we have an End of Year celebration to bring together, recognize and celebrate all, while we honor the LT Class participants who have completed their program year.
RE Whitt, Leadership Texarkana Executive Director